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Stratospheric Processes And their Role in Climate
A project of the World Climate Research Programme

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SPARC Newsletter 21 - June 2003


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We announce the departure of Yuri Koshelkov from the position of project scientist at the SPARC office. We all express our gratitude to Yuri for all his hard work, creative contribution and devotion to the SPARC activities and the editing of the SPARC Newsletter during the last ten years. Yuri will be greatly missed by all of us but he will keep in touch from Russia

We also welcome Emmanouil K. Oikonomou who has recently joined the SPARC office replacing Yuri. Emmanouil has a PhD in Oceanography from Southampton University, UK and he has been involved in several European research projects. He has previously worked as a lecturer with UK Open University in Atmospheric and Computational Fluid Dynamics, followed by a 2-year PostDoc at Reading University UK working on Water Vapour and Ozone from ERA-40 and MOZAIC aircraft data. Emmanouil's position is supported by an ESA Post-Doctoral Fellowship.

ISSN 1297-9961

Installed on 31 July, 2003

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