Brussels, Belgium

June 20 - 22, 2011

Home Scientific Program Venue & Transportation Accomodation Participants


Monday June 20, 2011

09:00 Errera – Welcome
09:10 Polavarapu/Jackson – Goals of the SPARC-DA workshop


09:30 Dee – INVITED: ERA-Interim data products and plans for future ECMWF reanalyses

10:15 Eskes - Assimilated total ozone record from 30 year of UV-VIS satellite observations

10:45 Poster ads (3)

11:00 Coffee break and posters

Chemical-Dynamical interaction

11:30 Jackson - Improvement to humidity assimilation at the Met Office and possible impacts near the tropopause

12:00 Milewski - Ensemble assimilation of chemical and dynamical observations in the stratosphere using a chemistry-climate model

12:30 Lunch and Poster

Chemical Data Assimilation

14:00 Errera - Implementation of spatial correlations in the background error covariance matrix in the BASCOE system

14:30 Lefever - Analyses and simulations of the Arctic ozone hole 2011

15:00 Coffee break and posters

Reanalyses (cont’d)

15:30 Long – INVITED: Evaluation of the Stratosphere in the Recent Reanalyses

16:15 Discussion: Reanalyses

Tuesday June 21, 2011

Tropics and observing system needs

09:00 Fujiwara – INVITED: Wave activity in the TTL and diurnal tides in the chemistry climate models and reanalyses

09:45 Andersson – INVITED: Observing system needs for global NWP in terms of information content and forecast impact in the tropics.

10:30 Coffee break and posters

11:15 Discussion: Tropics and Observing systems (30 minutes)

Gravity wave drag

11:45 Polavarapu - Impact of nonorographic gravity wave drag on mesospheric analyses from the CMAM-DAS

12:15 Discussion: Improving SPARC and NWP linkages (30 minutes)

12:45 lunch

Chemical data assimilation systems

14:00 Miyazaki - Recent developments in chemical data assimilation for atmospheric gases and aerosols in Japan

14:30 Lambert - Improved observation operators for chemical data assimilation of atmospheric trace gases

15:00 Coffee break and posters

15:30 Yudin - Chemical data analysis in WACCM-GEOS5: Ozone and Carbon Monoxide

16:00 Rabier – INVITED: Concordiasi: A Project Dedicated to the Polar Atmosphere

16:45 Discussion: Improving SPARC and NWP linkages (cont)

Wednesday June 22, 2011

09:30 Future directions of SPARC-DAWG, next workshop

10:30 Coffee break and posters

11:00 Wrap up

11:30 END of meeting


Baier - Imbalances of non-observed species in variational chemical data assimilation and their implications for model assessments

Chabrillat - Using analyses of chemical tracers to evaluate analyses of wind fields in the stratosphere

Shibata - Evaluation of the separate effects of stratospheric ozone assimilation and total ozone assimilation, and their impacts on the predictability of stratospheric and tropospheric ozone