Latest information for the GCC summer school


The GCC summer school will be held at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM) from 7th to 13th August 2003. The participants who have received accommodation scholarships will be housed at the UQÀM residences. The address of the residences is

303 René-Lévesque Est
Montréal, Québec H2X 3Y3
Phone: (514) 987-6669
Fax: (514) 987-0344

The rooms have been booked under the names of the people receiving scholarships and will be paid for directly by the GCC summer school. The reception at the residences is staffed 24 hours a day, but check-in time is from 4pm onwards.

The closest subway stop to the residences is Berri-UQÀM (click on the map below for a more detailed location). Montréal train station is about 10 minutes walk to the west, and the Montréal bus terminal is about 10 minutes walk to the north-east.

(Please click on map for a more detailed view.)

Getting to Montréal

Most participants will be arriving in Montréal by air or train. The residences are just a short walk from the train station (see earlier). From the airport one can take a shuttle bus to downtown (either the train station or the bus station). The cost is $12 (more information, including schedules, can be found here). Taxis are also available from the airports, although these, of course, will be more expensive.


The lectures for the summer school will be held in room DS-R515 of the UQÀM buildings. This classroom is located in the building at 320 Ste-Catherine Est (at the corner of Sanguinet). On the evening of the 7th August, the ice breaker reception will be held in room D-R200 which is in the building at the corner of St Denis and Maisonneuve.


The agenda for the summer school can be found here. Each morning and afternoon will consist of 2 one-hour lectures with a 30 minute refreshment break in between. Before the first morning lecture coffee and tea will be available outside the lecture room.

Some lecturers are choosing to make their lectures available for download before the summer school begins. Please click on the links below to obtain their slides

Other Activities

In addition to the lectures during the day, there is also the ice-breaker reception on the Thursday evening and the banquet on the Tuesday evening. We are also hoping to have some extracurricular activities depending on the interest. Possibilities include going to an Expos (baseball) game, going to an Alouettes (Canadian football) game and rafting down the Lachine Rapids. These are unofficial activities, which are not part of the GCC summer school.

Last updated: 27th October 2003