Annual Joint NDACC-IRWG & TCCON Meeting 2015

Items charged by the local host

Fixed-cost contribution (conference costs, breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks): $75 CAD/person/day
Toronto Harbour cruise and banquet (Wednesday evening): $75 CAD/person


Please use the following RegOnline form to register and pay attendance fees by Friday, June 5:

We encourage you to sign up and pay for the banquet at the same time as you pay for the daily conference fee to avoid incurring duplicate fees with RegOnline.

RegOnline - registration and payment has now closed.

The attendance fee is $75 CAD/ person/day. Please select all days you will be attending by checking the boxes indicated in the “Agenda” section. If you will be joining us for the Toronto Harbour Cruise and Banquet on the evening of Wednesday, June 10, please include this with your registration. More information on the dinner cruise can be found here.