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Interannual variability

Monthly mean anomalies of UVR variations for at Melbourne are shown in Figure 6 for the time period between 1993-1999. At any time of the day variations in UVR were less than 1 UVI. Daily total erythemal exposures vary between +/- 2 MED. Changes in noontime UVR are generally translate into variations in daily exposures. The correlation between noontime UVI and daily totals is 0.79. Anomalies did not reveal any significant trends, but random fluctuation with a standard deviation of 8.6% for the UVR at solar noon and 6.6% for the daily totals.

Figure 6: Anomalies in UVR as a function of month and time of day, derived from SL501 measurements for Melbourne. The upper panel shows the UVR at solar noon, the bottom panel the daily total erythemal exposure. The changes in UVR appear to be small, and noon UVR anomalies are correlated well with anomalies of daily total exposure; the correlation coefficient is 0.79. The standard deviation of the anomalies is 8.6% at solar noon and 6.6 % for the daily total exposure. Results of a linear regression revealed no significant trends.


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