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The method presented here seems to be able to describe basic circulation characteristics with a good possibility of further analysis. It can help with evaluation of the effects of phenomena involved in long term analysis in global scale, the responsibility of solar activity on partial circulation pattern, i.e., tendency to 4-trough structure appears to be very strong. The reasons of this dependence are not clear at this moment, the results for other wave numbers do not display such connections, even though some of them are still in quite good correlation. Hopefully the method could be good enough even for daily data to serve as a tool for case study analyses which will be able to investigate the potential of real physical connections better. Both this kind of studies and previous mentioned systematic presentation of long term analyses of all significant wave numbers, as well as for other levels, might move us from this preliminary study to the more detailed analysis with more important conclusions. It should be mentioned here, that NCEP reanalys provides more data, but maybe either with respect to more not even solar cycles or the preference of significance of conection between the solar activity and circulation on northern hemisphere, or both of features, the analysis of the data has not provided us better insight to the problem.

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