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3. General Circulation Model and Design of the Simulations

The main reference simulation, hereafter labeled GWRF1, is carried out with the MAECHAM4 model with the abovementionned parameterization of the gravity wave emission from frontal disturbances applied to the input source spectrum of the Hines parameterization (Hines 1997a,b). The GWRF1 employs T30 truncation and includes a few other modifications to the input source spectrum with respect to the configuration used by Manzini and McFarlane (1998). As the GWRF1 simulation evolves, the right-hand side of Eq. 1 is computed at each grid point and time step at the launching level near 600 hPa in order to determine whether or not conditions favorable to frontogenesis are met and to specify the gravity wave variance and directions of propagation accordingly.

In addition, two sensitivity simulations have been carried out with MAECHAM4, respectively labeled UNI1 and UNI2. They serve as a mean of directly evaluating the impact of including a representation of fronts in the gravity wave source. Both UNI1 and UNI2 simulations are carried out at T30 truncations. The source spectrum of the UNI1 and UNI2 simulations is assumed to be isotropic. The total gravity wave wind variance at the same launching level as GWRF1 is set to 0.64 m2 s-2 for UNI1 and to 1 m2 s-2 for UNI2, uniform in space and constant time. The UNI1 source spectrum would therefore be identical to the one specified in simulation GWRF1 if the minimum threshold of the frontogenesis function was never reached in this latter simulation. The UNI2 source spectrum is very close to the monthly zonal mean source spectrum of GWRF1 in the extra-tropics.

The results from the GWRF1, UNI1, and UNI2 simulations are each one from 12 year integrations.

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