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2. Gravity Waves from Fronts: Parameterization

Frontogenesis is most likely to occur when a strong deformation wind field acts to increase the horizontal temperature gradient. In two dimensions (latitude-longitude), the evolution of the horizontal potential temperature (b) gradient is given by the so-called frontogenesis function (Hoskins 1982)

High values of the right-hand side of Eq. 1









at some selected vertical level can be interpreted as a possible precursor to frontogenesis when b, u, and v are interpreted as large scale (or resolved) fields. In the context of a numerical simulation at relatively low resolution, frontogenesis may not occur, but high values (greater than some selected threshold) of the frontogenesis function could indicate that it would have occurred at a sufficiently high resolution. The approach followed here assumes that the frontogenesis function calculated at a single vertical level in the troposphere suffices to determine the possible occurrence of frontogenesis. Charron and Manzini (2000) showed that the frontogenesis function is indeed a good front indicator and that it can be useful as a tool for parameterizing gravity wave sources.

The parameters that are necessary to completely specify a spectrum of gravity waves emerging from frontal disturbances being mostly unknown, the approach followed here is based on two empirical evidences gathered from measurements and high resolution numerical simulations. The first one is that bursts of high horizontal wind variance linked to gravity wave motion is observed on the passage of fronts (Fritts and Nastrom 1992, Eckermann and Vincent 1993), the second one being that gravity waves are emitted, at least, in the cross-front directions (Griffiths and Reeder 1996). Based on these observations and high resolution idealized numerical results, it is assumed that the total variance, the orientation of propagation, and the launching height of the gravity wave source spectrum are specified in the following way:

(1) At the launching level located at around 600 hPa, the right-hand side of Eq. 1 is evaluated. This fixed launching level is chosen a priori in the scope of representing gravity waves that are emerging from low level fronts.

(2) If the threshold of 0.1 (K/100km)2/hour at some horizontal grid point and time step is reached, a subgrid scale total gravity wave wind variance of 4 m2 s-2 is imposed at that horizontal grid point and time step. The horizontal propagation directions of the equally bi-partitioned vertical flux of horizontal momentum in a frame of reference moving with the flow are chosen to be given by the two cross-front directions.

(3) If the threshold is not reached, an isotropic total gravity wave wind variance of 0.64 m2 s-2 is instead imposed with the aim of representing other possible gravity wave sources.

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