Curriculum Vitae
- B.Sc., Physics, 1967, University of British Columbia.
- M.Sc., Physics, 1969, University of Toronto.
- Ph.D., Physics, 1971, University of Toronto.
Thesis: "Thermal Stability of non-Boussinesq Configurations"
Supervisor: Professor C.O. Hines
- present appointment - University Professor, 1993-present
- date of appointment to graduate school - 1973
- date of tenure award - 1977
- Lecturer, 1971-72, Department of Physics, University of Toronto
- Visiting Fellow, 1972-73, CIRES, University of Colorado
- Visiting Assistant Professor, 1973-74, Department of Physics, University of Toronto
- Consultant, Summer 1974, CIRES-INSTAAR, University of Colorado
- Assistant Professor, 1974-77, Department of Physics, University of Toronto
- Consultant, Summer 1975, CIRES-INSTAAR, University of Colorado
- Visiting Associate Professor, Spring 1976, Geophysics and Space Physics, U.C.L.A.
- Associate Professor, 1977-79, Department of Physics, University of Toronto
- Visiting Professor, Spring 1978, Geophysics and Space Physics, U.C.L.A.
- Steacie Fellowship Leave, 1978-79, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado
- Guggenheim Fellowship Leave, 1987-1988, DAMTP and Bullard Laboratories, Cambridge
University, U.K.
- Full Professor, 1979-1993, Department of Physics, University of Toronto
- Sabattical Leave, 2002-2003, Professeur Invité, Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris,
Université Paris VII
- Professor Invité, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Université Paris VII, summer 2004
- Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo, July 2005- continuing
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, 1977-1979
- E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship of NSERC, 1978-1980
- Kirk Bryan Award of the Geological Society of America, 1980
- Killam Senior Research Fellowship of the Canada Council, 1980-82
- Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, 1986-
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, 1986-
- John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, 1986-1988
- Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge University, U.K., 1988-
- Cecil and Ida Green Fellow, UC San Diego, 1988 (Declined in favour of Cambridge sabbatical)
- Lady Margaret Lecturer, and Norman Sosnow Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Christs College,
Cambridge, Fall Term 1988
- Senior Fellow of Massey College, U. Toronto, 1989-
- Fellow of the American Meteorological Society, 1991-
- Patterson Medal of the Atmospheric Environment Service of Canada (DOE), 1992
- University Professor, University of Toronto, 1993-
- IUGG Union Lecturer - Boulder, Colorado General Assembly, 1995
- Walter H. Elsasser Memorial Lecturer, John's Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1996
- Benjamin Meeker Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics, Univ. Bristol, England, 1996
- Presidents Lecture, IAMAS/IAPSO General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 1997
- H. Burr Steinback Visiting Scholar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Summer 1997.
- Climate Center Visiting Scholar, LDEO, Columbia University, 1998.
- Sloan Foundation Lecturer, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Mass., 1998.
- Distinguished Lecturer of the Canadian Geophysical Union, 1999-2000. (Gave a total of 20
lectures at Canadian Universities in the period October 1999 through March 2000).
- R.F. Flint Lecturer, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 2001.
- Science Watch listing as the fifth most highly cited Earth Scientist internationally in the decade
1991-2001 (based upon analysis of the Highly Cited project (Science Watch magazine, volume
12, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2001); this included analysis of all Earth science disciplines; geology,
geophysics, atmospheric science, oceanography, etc.).
- IAMAS “Sushi Lecturer”, IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 2003.
- Elected as Foreign Member to Fellowship in the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, 2004
- Bancroft Award of the Royal Society of Canada, 2004
- J. Tuzo Wilson Medal of the Canadian Geophysical Union, 2004
- Vetlesen Prize of the G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation, 2004
- Leiv Erikson Fellow, Norwegian Research Council,
Bjerknes Institute for Climate Research, Univ. of Bergen, 2006
- Miroslaw Romanowski Medal of the Royal Society of Canada, 2006
- DSc, honoris causa, The University of Waterloo, 2007
- Milutin Milankovic Medal of the European Geosciences Union, 2008
- Canadian Association of Physicists Gold Medal for Achievement in Physics, 2009
Professional Affiliations
- Canadian Association of Physicists;
- Canadian Geophysical Union - Past President;
- Canadian
Meteorological and Oceanographic Society;
- Royal Astronomical Society - Fellow;
- Royal Meteorological Society - Fellow;
- European Geophysical Union;
- American Geophysical Union -
Elected Fellow;
- American Meteorological Society - Elected Fellow;
- Geological Society of America.
Current Secondary Appointments
- Associate Editor of Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
- American Geophysical Union Global Environmental Change Committee
- Principal Investigator of the CFCAS funded Polar Climate Stability Research Network
- Director of the University of Toronto Centre for Global Change Science
- Scientific Director of the SciNet facility for High Performance Computation