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Stratospheric Processes And their Role in Climate
A project of the World Climate Research Programme

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Future SPARC and SPARC-related meetings


15-20 March: 34th Saas-Fee Advanced Course: "The Sun, Solar Analogs and the Climate", Davos, Switzerland

24-26 March: GRIPS workshop, Bologna, Italy Chair: S.Pawson

25-30 April: EGU 1 st General Assembly, Nice, France

Deadline for receipt of abstracts: 11 January 2004

17-21 May: 2004 CGU-AGU-SEG- EEGS Joint Assembly, Montreal - Canada.

Deadline for abstract submission: 19 February at 2359 UT

23-28 May: 16th Rencontres de Blois “Challenges in the Climate Sciences”, Château de Blois, France

24-29 May: II Latin-American Congress on Ultraviolet Radiation Measurements and biological effects in high altitude locations, La Paz, Bolivia

01-08 June: Quadrennial Ozone Symposium "Kos 2004", Kos, Greece Chair: C. S. Zerefos

09-14 June: 3 rd Workshop on Long-term trends in the atmosphere, Sozopol, Bulgaria Chair: K. Georgieva

16-18 June: The 8th biennial HITRAN Conference, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

6-8 July: 6th UTLS Ozone Science Meeting, Lancaster University; UK

18-25 July: 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris, France. Chair: M.-L. Chanin

Deadline for abstract submission: February 15, 2004

01-06 August: 3rd SPARC General Assembly 2004, Victoria Conference Centre, Victoria (BC), Canada.

Co-Chairs: A. Ravishankara and T. Shepherd

A particular emphasis for this General Assembly will be chemistry-climate coupling.

Deadline for abstract submission as been extended to March 15, 2004

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