Stratospheric Processes And their Role in Climate
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Future SPARC and SPARC-related meetings
15-20 March: 34th Saas-Fee Advanced Course: "The Sun, Solar Analogs and the Climate", Davos, Switzerland
24-26 March: GRIPS workshop, Bologna, Italy Chair: S.Pawson
25-30 April: EGU 1 st General Assembly, Nice, France
- AS0: Open Session on the lower, middle, and upper atmosphere - Convener: M. Juckes
- AS3.01: Microphysics and heterogeneous chemistry of aerosols - Convener: C. George
- AS3.06: Polar Ozone - Convener: G. Braathen
- AS3.08: Processes controlling the chemical composition of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere - Convener: V. Grewe
- AS3.09: Results from Odin and ENVISAT - Convener: G. Stiller
- AS3.10: SPARC-IGAC Symposium on climate-Chemistry Interactions (co-sponsored by CL) - Convener: A. Ravishankara
- AS3.11: Chemical data assimilation - Convener: B. Khattatov
- AS3.12: Impact of traffic emissions on climate and atmospheric chemistry (co-sponsored by CL & ST) - Convener: V. Grewe
Deadline for receipt of abstracts: 11 January 2004
17-21 May: 2004 CGU-AGU-SEG- EEGS Joint Assembly, Montreal - Canada.
- Session A08: Atmospheric Science
Forcing of the high-latitude climate system by the stratosphere. Convenor: V. Ramaswamy
This session is focussed on recent advances in our knowledge of the forcing and response of the high latitude atmosphere-surface system arising due to changes in the stratosphere. The phenomena of interest span a variety of time scales. Both the northern and southern high-latitude regimes will be considered. On the one hand, the unforced variability of the climate system constitutes an important factor, while forcings due to natural and anthropogenic factors, including chemistry-climate interactions, have begun to command significant attention. Papers on observations and model simulations, together with diagnostic interpretations, on the past, present and future climates are solicited.
Deadline for abstract submission: 19 February at 2359 UT
23-28 May: 16th Rencontres de Blois Challenges in the Climate Sciences, Château de Blois, France
24-29 May: II Latin-American Congress on Ultraviolet Radiation Measurements and biological effects in high altitude locations, La Paz, Bolivia
01-08 June: Quadrennial Ozone Symposium "Kos 2004", Kos, Greece Chair: C. S. Zerefos
09-14 June: 3 rd Workshop on Long-term trends in the atmosphere, Sozopol, Bulgaria Chair: K. Georgieva
16-18 June: The 8th biennial HITRAN Conference, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
6-8 July: 6th UTLS Ozone Science Meeting, Lancaster University; UK
18-25 July: 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris, France. Chair: M.-L. Chanin
- Interdisciplinary lectures (relevant of SPARC): 21 July: P. Crutzen First ENVISAT Results; 23 July: C. Fröhlich Solar Radiation and Climate
- SPARC co-sponsored sessions:
- A 1.1: Atmospheric Remote Sensing: Earth's Surface, Troposphere, Stratosphere and Mesosphere. Chair: J. Burrows
- C.2.3: Long-term Changes of Greenhouse Gases and Ozone and their Influence on the Middle Atmosphere. Chair: D. Chakrabarty
- C.2.5: Structure and Dynamics of the Arctic and Antarctic of the Middle Atmosphere. Chair: M. Rapp
- D 2.1/C2.2/E 3/I: Influence of the Sun's Radiation and Particles on the Earth's Atmosphere and Climate. Chair: J. PapDeadline for abstract submission: February 15, 2004
01-06 August: 3rd SPARC General Assembly 2004, Victoria Conference Centre, Victoria (BC), Canada.
Co-Chairs: A. Ravishankara and T. Shepherd
A particular emphasis for this General Assembly will be chemistry-climate coupling.
Deadline for abstract submission as been extended to March 15, 2004