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4. Discussion and Summary

Utilizing these clustering by episodes was possible to derive geographic composite patterns from diferents TCC condition driving by different SST phases behavior.

As primary conclusion we observe systematic pattern in the +1 and -1 conditions over South America centered in the Rio de la Plata basin having a strong influence in the local parameters such as the ventilation coefficients affecting the Air Quality of Buenos Aires City.

The second one is a good agreement obtained with the rainfall studies if it's considered the SST-TTC teleconnection as a precursor mechanism of the rainfall impacts. In this case teleconnection pattern (SST - TCC) was observed to have approximately the same pattern to those obtained by Grim et al., 2000 in their rainfall ENSO study. In particular for the "El Niño 1982, 1986, 1991" and the "La Niña 1988" periods, we retrieve almost the same coherence zone detected in their composite precipitation patterns studies in the reference mentioned above. The coupling region cover the central part of the Rio de la Plata Basin and in particular the north-eastern of Uruguay and southern of Brazil as we see in our teleconnection figures 3,4,5.

For the regional variables comparison we observe significant inter-annual variation reflected over TCC, FV and ABL Height for the mean seasonal values SON and DJF showed in Table 2.

Finally, evidence of ENSO coupling in time was observed in Table 3 where was calculated the inter-seasonal variations percents making a direct comparison of the real to the expected (non-anomalies) values each one. As an example, we shown for the transition periods JJA to SON a ­33% extracted from lidar data, when the expected seasonal variation was +37% corresponding to the moving values towards spring season. The same situation was observed for the SON to DJF with real -34% compared to the expected +20% corresponding to the seasonal change from the spring to the summer in response to the ENSO forcing.

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