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As part of the EU project Polar Vortex Change (PVC, coordinated by Esko Kyrö, FMI) NILU has acquired the 15-year ECMWF re-analysis set, the so-called ERA-15 data set. ERA-15 covers the period from 1 Jan. 1979 to 28 Feb. 1994. The data are global in coverage and in spectral form at T106 resolution. Converted to a latitude/longitude grid the resolution is 1.125° X 1.125°. The 32 levels reach from the ground to 10 hPa. In addition we have acquired daily global fields at T106 resolution from 1994 up to present. The combined data set makes it possible to study the climatology of the polar vortex in a 20-year perspective. In the present study we have looked at the development of various polar vortex parameters from 1979-80 until present. We have limited the study of the Arctic vortex to the four months January through April and to the isentropic level of 475 K (approx. 19 km or 50 hPa). The Antarctic vortex has been studied at several levels from 400 to 550 K and for the months September through December.

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