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The back-ground measurements of total ozone and tropospheric ozone were used in the paper. The observations were carried out in the Alatau mountain near city Almaty. Spectrophotometer-ozonometer was used for observations of total ozone. The measurements of the surface ozone concentration were carried out by hemiluminiscence ozonometer. The annual variations of total ozone were shown to have the maximum in winter months, minimum in summer month and the annual variations of the surface ozone concentration have the maximum in summer, minimum in winter in this region. Such variations are typical variations for middle latitude in north hemisphere. Station of ozone monitoring is placed in zone with mountain - valley circulation. It is surrounded the city in the one side and mountain in other side. Comparison of total ozone and tropospheric ozone was carried out in period when city smog comes to the ozone station. The tropospheric ozone value was shown to increase at noon in summer while variation of total ozone are insignificant. Such daily variations of total ozone and tropospheric ozone did not observe in winter. We concluded that in city photochemical smog of the Los-Angeles type presence in summer.



Stratosphere-Troposheric processes is important for the understanding of climate change. Stratospheric ozone is known to determine biological active ultraviolet solar radiation on Earth surface [Perov, 1980; Khrgian, 1973].

Lately some interest are take place to tropospheric ozone and its relation to stratospheric ozone [Ivlev, 1990;Kiehl, 1999]. It is connected with strong chemical and biological ozone activity. Besides, ozone absorbing radiation from Earth surface is green gas.Ozone is able to be formed by chemical processes into smog of Los-Angeles type.

In present paper daily and annual variations of total ozone and of surface ozone concentration were analysed, is investigated dynamics of ozone in periods when city smog comes to the ozone station (1317 m above sea-level). Ozone station is in the Alatau mountain near city Almaty.

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