Roland List, FRSC

Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, M5S 1A7
Phone: (+1) 416 978 2982; Fax: (+1) 416 978 8905; e:
Home phone (+1) 416 445 2947

- Professor Department of Physics, University of Toronto 1984-94
- Deputy Secretary-General WMO* (UN), Geneva 1982-84
- Professor (full) Department of Physics, University of Toronto 1963-82
- Head Hail Section, Swiss Federal Institute for Snow & Avalanche Research 1952-63

- Visiting Professor Swiss Federal Institute for Technology, Zurich Switzerland 1998
- Secretary General International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, IAMAS, 1995 - 2007
- Architect WMO-IUGG Assessment of the Effect of Aerosol Pollution on Precipitation
- Architect Alliance for Capacity Transfer, IUGG/WMO/UCAR* 1996- 99
- Professor emeritus University of Toronto 1994-

*IUGG: International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics
*WMO: World Meteorological Organization (UN), Geneva, Switzerland
*UCAR: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Boulder CO, USA

- Dr. sc. nat. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH, Zurich Switzerland 1960
- Dipl. phys. ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH, Zurich Switzerland 1952

also: CCM Certified Consulting Meteorologist, Amer. Meteor. Society

- Associate Chairman Department of Physics University of Toronto 1969-72
- Visiting Professor Institute for Atmospheric Physics, ETH, Zurich 1974
- Board of Trustees (Directors) US University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, UCAR (NCAR), 1975-78
- Administrator NRC Grant for developing an Atmospheric Dynamics Group at the University of Toronto 1974-79
- Founding Chair EC Panel Weather Modification, WMO, and Working Group for Cloud Physics, WMO 1969-82
- Member US Space Shuttle Science Council 1978-81

- Chair Italian Scientific Committee "Projetto Pioggia" (Rain enhancement in Italy) 1989- 1998
- Representative of Intern. Union for Geodesy and Geophysics with WMO and WCRP 1995- 2003
- Chair Committee of Experts for the Evaluation of the Faculty and Department of Environmental Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institut for technology, ETH, Zurich 1995/96
- Member Committee for Advertent and Inadvertent Weather Modification, American Meteorological Society, AMS 1996 -
- Member Graduate School, University of Toronto 1994-
- Member and Univeristy Representative UCAR, Boulder, USA 1993-
- IAMAS Organizer of Joint IAMAS/IAPSO Assembly in Melbourne, July 1997 (1050 attendees)
- Organizer of IAMAS part at the IUGG Assemblies in Birmingham, UK, July 1999, Sapporo 2003, and Perugia 2007

OTHER previous Meeting Functions:
Chair Overall and Scientific Planning Committees of international conferences (4 on Weather Modification by WMO, 1 on Typhon Moderation by WMO, 1 Cloud Physics, 6 IAMAS) and Organizer of a series of WMO meetings (1 Congress, 2 Executive Council meetings, etc.);

General Area of Work
Over 250 publications on laboratory and field experiments, theory and applications in the fields of cloud physics (evolution and growth of hail, graupel, rain), aerodynamics, heat and mass transfer, Doppler radar operation and observations (electromagnetic and acoustic radars), cloud modelling, field experiments, classical physics and weather modification. Training of top specialists ( 33 PhDs, 47 MScs). Provision of leadership in the international arena.


PhD students 33; MSc Students 44

Special achievements
Basic contributions to the growth of cloud particles, in particular:
- Establishment of properties of hailstones and graupel- Establishment of collection efficiencies of graupel and hailstones- Study of the positions of c- and a-axes in hailstone cross sections- Discovery of spongy ice as a major haistone growth product
- Establishment of the general heat and mass transfer of ice crystals, graupel and hailstones under various fall modes and rotations
- Establishment of the general free fall behavior of particles such as graupel and hailstones- Discovery of the main free fall modes for the growth of spherical and ellipsoidal hailstones
- Establishment by experiment of collision, coalescence, collection and breakup processes of growing raindrops, at laboratory pressured and 50 kPa, with parameterization
- Numerical and field studies of warm rain and raindrop spectra evolution in warm and cold clouds (Spain, Italy, Hawaii, Malaysia (2x), the Canadian Arctic, Newfoundland, Switzerland, USA, etc.), with disdrometers, PMS 2-dimensional grey-scale laser probes, Doppler radar, etc.
- Cloud modelling
- Development of Doppler radar methods to simultaneously extract raindrop spectra and vertical winds
- High volume resolution Doppler radar experiments demonstrating the high variability of raindrop spectra properties - Vertyical scanning of particle spectra when Doppler radar was hit by hail, observation of 3-peak spectra indicating mix of hailstones and (shed) water drops, indication also that hail was falling in sheets, 100-200 m thick and of limited length- Application of Principle Componment Analysis for the determination of hurricane centers and maximum winds from single Doppler scans.
- Provision of leadership in weather modification world-wide
- Guidance as chair of WMO committees on how to carry out weather modification experiments, including the initiation of the Precipitation Enhancement Experiment, PEP, of WMO (34 WMO Reports under my leadership).

Engineering Aspects and Facilities
Builder of major and unique icing wind tunnel facilities, with pressure, temperature, "updraft", liquid water content, and mixed particle control (droplets and ice crystals); facilities to study 1) free fall behavior and aerodynamics of particles [in wind tunnels and a fall tower with a falling highspeed camera to follow freely falling particles, 2) heat and mass transfer (simulation of diffusion of H2O molecules in a liquid tunnel by studying ion diffusion in a redox electrolysis (sold for one beer), 3) heat and mass transfer by scanning surface temperature distribution during particle growth, followed by iteratively matching internal conduction to temperature distribution; 4) Electrification of graupel growing in a cloud of supercooled and separately controlled and grown ice crystals: the Triple Interaction Facility (icing wind tunnel liked with 7 m3 cold chamber in cold room); 5) acoustic Doppler radar to study city boundary layer, with thermals and snow (sold); 5) portable Doppler radar to study evolution of rain and raindrop spectra; 6) Cold rooms for the study of crystallographic structure of natural and artificial hailstones; etc.

ALLIANCE FOR CAPACITY TRANSFER, ACT, a Global Exchange of Knowledge, Information and Experience in the Fields of Meteorology and Related Sciences, such as Hydrology and Oceanography (overtaken by Google)
Architect of ALLIANCE or ACT, created over the past 2 years to bring together UN and other international organizations, national meteorological and hydrological services, national institutions, universities, individual scientists and the related private sector to share existing knowledge and information and to create better conditions for improved research and operations across the world. WMO has approved my proposal at its Executive Council meeting in June 1997; UCAR, the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research in Boulder CO and the Executive Committee of IUGG have also given the final go ahead in 1997.

Honorary Member of the International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation (1 of four living members0, Honorary rofessor, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Scviences, Fellow, Royal Society of Canada, Member Canadian Academy of Science, Patterson Medal, Member Swiss Academy of Sciences, Medals from Leningrad University and the Government of Thailand, Fellow Royal Meteor. Soc. (UK) and Amer. Meteor. Soc.

UN, WMO, World Bank, UNDP, UNEP; Governments of Canada, US, Italy, Malaysia, Thailand, Switzerland, Germany, etc., Industry (Rayethon, INCO, Lonza, etc.)

28 AUGUST 2008

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