Department (after 1985)
Climate Research Institute proposal, 1985.
Tenure Committee, Dr. Lin, 1985-86.
Appointments Committee Erindale Meteorology position, 1985.
Member, Appointment Committee for Atmospheric Physics Position, 1986-87.
On Sabbatical from July 1, 1986 to June 30, 1987.
Member, Ph.D. Supervisory Committee, D.S. Turner, 1987.
Internal examiner Ph.D. thesis by D.S. Turner: "Radiometric measurements of trace gases", pp. 215, 1987.
Reader, M.Sc. thesis by L. Welsh, 1987.
Member, three year contract committee for Prof. K. Moore, 1987.
Member, Departmental Ph.D. Committee, D. Chang, 1987.
Chairman, Distinguished H.L. Welsh Lecture Committee, 1988-90.
Member, Ph.D. Supervisory Committee, Mr. Cheng, 1988- 90
Member, Ph.D. Supervisory Committee, Mr. Zhang, 1988-89
Member, Admissions Committee, 1989-91.
Member, Promotions Committee, 1989-94
Member, Ph.D. Departmental and Senate Oral Ph.D. Committees for Mr. Zhang, 1989.
Member, Ph.D. Supervisory Committee for Boyd Tolton, 1991
Member, Senate Ph.D. Committee for Kit Szeto, 1991
Member, Oral M.Sc. Examination Committees for Huiquan Zhao and Karen Nassin, 1991
Scholarships and Standards Committee, 1991- 93
Tenure Committee for Prof. T.G. Shepherd, 1993
plus supervisory committees of own students, etc.

b. University
Chairman University-wide President's Task Force on Teaching Equipment, May 1981.
Dean's representative appointments committee Geography, 1987-88
Appraiser Senate Ph.D. Committee B. Paneton, (Aerospace Institute), 1988-89
Dean's representative appointments committee Geography, 1989-90.
Participation Co-operative Education Program, Scarborough Board of Education (Summer student Janet Tam)., 1988.
Member, Ontario Graduate Scholarship Program, Selection Committee, Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities, 1992-93.

c. Outside the University
- Administrator, NRC Negotiated Grant for "Atmospheric Dynamics", National Research Council, 1974-79.
- Coordinator CORE grant Meteorology Computing Center, NSERC, 1979-82.
- Member Panel on "Cloud Microphysics and Radar" of the American Meteorological Society, September 1987 - July 1988.
- Member Patterson Medal Awards Committee 1987, Atmospheric Environment Service of Canada, March 1988.
- Member International Scientific Program Committee for International Cloud Physics Conference in Bad Homburg, FRG, 15-20 August, 1988: meetings on August 18, 1987 (Vancouver) and August 14, 1988 (Bad Homburg) and chairman session: "Cloud Microphysics III. Entrainment and Mixing".
- Coordinator/Initiator: Proposal for Network of Centres of Excellence Grant from Canadian Government, involving McGill University, AES, National Hydrology Research Center, KelResearch and U. of T., 1988.
- Member National Organizing Committee, International Cloud Physics Conference, 1992, McGill University, Montreal.

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