Technical Publications, World Meteorological Organization

1. R. List, "Education and training in weather modification", Proc. WMO/IAMAP Symposium Education Training in Meteorology and Meteor. Aspects of Environmental Problems, Caracas, WMO, 201-212, 1975.

2. R. List and A. Gagin, "The state of the art of weather modification as related to economic, legal and environmental aspects", WMO/UNEP Position Paper WG 26/3 to the WMO/UNEP meeting of experts designated by governments on legal aspects of weather modification, Geneva, 17-21, p. 26, 1979. (With translations into French, Russian and Spanish).

3. R. List, "Overall PEP program, purpose and objectives", World Meteorological Organization, PEP Report No. 13, 5-31, 1979.

4. R. List, "Cloud physics and weather modification", World Meteorological Organization, PEP Report No. 13, 33-47, 1979.

Technical or semi-popular Articles (mostly invited)

1. R. List, "Experimentelle Meteorologie", Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Tech. Beilage, Nr. 2787, 114, Blatt 7, 1954.

2. R. List, "Die Bedeutung des atmosphärischen Aerosols", Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Tech. Beilage, Nr. 3148, 134, Blatt 8, 1956.

3. R. List and M. de Quervain, "On the structure of hailstones", Nat. Res. Council Canada, Tech. Transl., TT-551, 1-7, 1955.

4. R. List, "Probleme der Hagelforschung", Haglekurier, No. 20, 1-4, 1960.

5. R. List, "Probleme der Hagelforschung", Mitteil. Schweiz. Hagelversicherungsges., No. 6, 1-4, 1960.

6. R. List, "Aufbau und Leistung des Hagelversuchskanals", Tech. Rundschau Sulzer, 43, 3-8, 1961.

7. R. List, "Hagelforschung", Sulzer Werkmitteilungen, 8, 4-5, 1961.

8. R. List, "Hagelforschung in der Schweiz", Basler Nachrichten, Techn. Beilage, 1962.

9. R. List, "Hagelbekämpfung durch Explosionswellen", Mitt. der Schweiz", Hagelversicherungsgesellschaft", No. 10, 1-4, 1962.

10. R. List, "Hagelbekämpfung durch Explosionswellen", Hagelkurier, No. 28, 1-4, 1962.

11. R. List, "Was weiss man heute über die Hagelbildung?", Der Hagelkurier, No. 31, 1-6, 1963.

12. R. List, "Was weiss man heute über die Hagelbildung?", Mitteil. Schweiz. Hagel-Versicherungsgesellschaft", No. 15, 1-4, 1963-64.

13. R. List, "Direkte und indirekte Hagelbekämpfung mit Silberjodid", Der Hagelkurier, No. 33, 1-7, 1963-64.

14. R. List, "Natural and artificial hail", Come Celebrate Research With Us, sesquicentennial 1827-1977, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ed. T.C. Clark p. 2, 1977.

15. R. List, "Impact transfer from advertent weather modification to climate changes", SCOPE workshop on climate/society interface; Atmospheric Environment Service, Downsview, Ontario, 10-14 p. 23, 1978.

16. J.P. Blanchet and R. List,"On the Optical Properties of Arctic Haze", General Assembly International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics IUGG, August 17, 1983.

Technical Reports

1. R. List, Contribution to a study of the private sector capacity or the provision of weather services in Canada, for the Department of Environment Canada, 1985.

2. R. List, Rain Enhancement Possibilities and Experiments. Lectures presented at the First Seminar on Weather Modification and Evaluation Techniques, December 9-16, Chiangmai, Thailand, Dec. 24, pp. 22, 1985.

3. R. List, Cloud Physics Facilities at the University of Toronto. Technical Workshop for the Future Research and Facilities for Cloud Physics and Chemistry, NOAA/NCAR, Boulder, CO, March 20-22, 1985.

4. R. List, On the possible Evolution of the Royal Rainmaking Activities in Thailand. Nov., pp. 4, 1986.

5. R. List, D. Hudak, R. Nissen, N.P. Tung, S.K. Soo and T.S. Kang, Joint Warm Rain Experiment of the Malaysian Meteorological Service and the University of Toronto. REPORT No. 1: A summary of the 1986 Field Operations; pp. 78, 1988.

6. R. List and Stewart Cober, Growth of low-density graupel in an icing wind tunnel. Distributed at Annual Congress, Canadian Meteorological and Oceanic Society, Hamilton, pp. 21, June 7-10, 1988.

7. R. List and R. Nissen, Rain spectra and equilibrium peaks measured in Toronto in 1987. Paper distributed at Annual Congress, Canadian Meteorological and Oceanic Society, Hamilton, pp. 4, June 7-10, 1988.

8. R. List, D. Hudak, R. Nissen, T.S. Kang, N.P. Tung and S.K. Soo, The Malaysian Meteorological Service and the University of Toronto, Canada: Joint Warm Rain Experiment of the Malaysian Meteorological Service and the University of Toronto, October 20 to November 1, 1986. Malaysian Meteor. Service, April 1989 (Data catalogue), pp. 107, 1989.

9. R. List, The atmosphere, climate and climate change. Report for the Seventh Peace Forum by Rotary International, 21-23 Sept. pp. 16, 1989.

10. R. List and B. Greenan, Surface temperature differences on gyrating hailstones. XXIII Congress Canadian Meteorological and Oceanic Society, University of Rimouski, Rimouski, Quebec, 7.10.6, 1989.

11. R. List and G. McFarquhar, Dropsize distributions in pulsating rain. XXIII Congress Canadian Meteorological and Oceanic Society, University of Rimouski, Rimouski, Quebec, 7.10.6, 1989.

12. R. List, "The atmosphere, climate and climate change". Report for the Seventh Peace Forum by Rotary International, 21-23 September 1989, pp 16.

13. "5-YEAR PLAN PROGETTO PIOGGIA", submitted to the Minister for Agriculture and Forestry of the Italian Government, as the chairman, (partial) author and editor of this report by the Italian Scientific Committee (The first Italian 5-year plan for scientific rain enhancement experiments in Puglia, Sardegna and Sicilia), pp. 125, 1993.

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