- International Cloud Physics Conference, IAMAP sponsored, Toronto, 1968. Overall Chairman and Chairman of all subcommittees.

- First WMO-IAMAP Scientific Conference on Weather Modification, Tashkent, 1972. - Overall Chairman and Chairman of Scientific Program Committee.

- WMO Technical Conference on Typhoon Modification, Manila, 1974. Overall Chairman and Chairman of Scientific Program Committee.

- Second WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification, Boulder, Colorado, 1976. Overall Chairman and Chairman of Scientific Program Committee.

- Third WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 1980. Overall Conference Chairman and Chairman International Scientific Program Committee.

Organizer IAMAS/IAPSO JOINT ASSEMBLY, 1-9 July 1997 in Melbourne (IAMAS part). ----------------------------------------------------------------

Discussion of possible warm rain field project (jointly with NSF) with Mr. Ho, Director, Dr. Lin and Mr. Wang of the Malaysian Meteorological Service, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 17-18, 1984.

Meeting with Prof. A. Waldvogel, Atmospheric Physics Institute, Swiss Federal Institute for Technology, Zurich. Discussion of warm rain and disdrometer problems; February 18, 1985.

Meeting with Prof. Jaccard, Director, Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, Weissfluhjoch-Davos and collaborators (Drs. Foehn, Martinec, Buser, Good, Mr. Von Niederhaeusern). Discussion of mutual research problems including pattern recognition and ice electrification, February 21-22, 1985.

Meeting with Dr. G.O.P. Obasi, Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization, Mr. D. Smith, Deputy Secretary-General [re experiences in position] and Dr. R. Koenig [re Intern. Weather Modif. Conference in Hawaii, August 85], etc., Geneva, February 25, 1985.

Overall Chairman of "Technical Workshop for the Future of Laboratory Research and Facilities for Cloud Physics and Chemistry". Sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA and the National Center for Atmospheric Research NCAR, Boulder, Colorado. Chairman of Opening and Sessions 1,6,8,9 and 10, March 20-22, 1985.

Meeting with Prof. R. Stewart, President Alberta Research Council, Edmonton, discussion of Alberta weather modification programme and other Council research programmes, April 2, 1985.

Meeting with Dr. R. Humphrey, Head of the Weather Modification Division (and colleagues) of the Alberta Research Council. Discussion of hail and rain modification problems and evaluations, Edmonton, April 3, 1985.

Participation in the Meeting of the Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the US Academy of Science/National Research Council. Introduction of agenda item on Cloud Physics/Chemistry Laboratory Research, Washington, April 17, 1985.

Arrangements for participation in US NSF sponsored warm rain experiment in Hawaii, summer 85, with Dr. A. Cooper, NCAR. Discussions with Drs. Dutton (satellite receiving of met. data), Drs. Knight and Knight, Rosinski (nucleation), NCAR, Dr. Flueck (statistic in weather modification, warm rain in South East Asia) NOAA, and Dr. Knollenberg of PMS on instrumentation for rainspectra measurements in warm rain; Boulder, Colorado, May 14-17, 1985.

Discussion warm rain, comparison model and field measurements with Prof. A. Waldvogel, ETH, Zurich; meeting with Prof. Davies, Atmospheric Physics, ETH., July 9, 1985.

WMO Workshop for Intercomparisons Models vs. Observations, Irsee, Federal Republic of Germany, July 14-19, 1985.

Participation in US NSF-sponsored warm rain study (by NCAR, University of Illinois, University of Hawaii, etc.) in Hilo, Hawaii (Robert Kuhn, graduate student, involved in rain spectra measurements and general computer processing of field data for whole period and Prof. R. List for 9/10 August ), July 7 - August 16, 1985.

Active Participation of Toronto Group in: Finalization of methodology and assessment of rain enhancement field experiment in South Africa, (Ph.D. thesis, D. Hudak), 1980 - Sept. 1985.

Nielsen Report and AES Science Subvention Program
One day in March 1986 the Deputy Prime Minister, Nielsen, tabled his report in the House it was clear that university science was in trouble, particularly the Targeted Research Programs, i.e. the science supported by regular Departments and not through the Granting Councils. I immediately provided the President of U. of T. with a summary of the situation and started actions to reverse the proposed policy and to recover the funding in the field of the atmospheric sciences where the proposal was to drop all university support programs for 1986-87. First I wrote to the four members of the Nielsen Task Force, Ms. Carney and the Prime Minister urging them not to uphold the implied policy that only granting councils should support universities (with the exception of special big grants to medicine, physics and astronomy). Further, I wrote to the Minister of the Environment about the merits of the "atmospheric" subventions, had long discussions with Director Generals of the Atmospheric Environment Service, AES and its Assistant Deputy Minister. I convinced McGill and a private consultant in meteorology to support this campaign to the Environment Minister. I then proposed a resolution at the Annual Congress of the Meteorological and Oceanic Society (unanimously supported) to the Minister, McMillan. I further met with the environment critic of the opposition party and provided the liberal scientific critic with material. I also got invited by the Finance Minister to speak to the Parliamentary Committee for Science and Technology.

RESULT: The direct results of my multiple actions were a reduction of the cut from 100% to 40% of the funds available for 1986/87 (instead of an abolition of the whole program). Most other targeted research programs were dropped with an estimated loss to the Canadian universities ranging between $40 and 60 million. For 1987-88 the results are even better. The whole science subvention program within AES was revived at the original level before the 40% cut, with the addition of $80,000 for inflation.

I consider these quite time-consuming activities for the health of University Atmospheric Physics as worthwhile particularly because the importance of the field could be communicated to the political authorities.

Agreement by Malaysian Cabinet and Malaysian Weather Service for joint warm-rain field experiment in Penang; execution of experiment, Oct.-Nov. 1986.

Annual Congress of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, CMOS, Regina, 3-6 June, 1986: a) Chairman, Session on Precipitation Studies II, Chairman, 5th Meeting of the CMOS Education Committee; b) Participation in the meetings of: the Scientific Committee of CMOS, the CMOS Council (submission of motion against reduction and possible abolition of AES funding of universities), CMOS: 20th Annual General Meeting (motion Nielsen Report).

Cloud Physics Conference, Snowmass, CO, Chairman 1st session (Nucleation and Microphysics), Sept. 22-26, 1986.

Tropical Precipitation Experiment, Phase I, jointly with Malaysian Meteorological Service, Sept.-November, 1986, involving UofT group.

Meeting with Dr. Jingjay Hanchanlash, Director of the International Development Research Center; discussion of IDRC support of 1986 and future experiments, IDRC, Singapore, October 10, 1986.

Meeting with Datuk Stephen Yong, Minister of Science, Technology and the Environment, Puan Maium bte Din, Deputy Secretary-General of the Department of Science, Technology and the Environment, and Mr. Markandan, Director-General of the Malaysian Meteorological Service. Discussion of Joint Experiment and general science problems, Kuala, Lumpur, October 13, 1986.

Meeting with the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, the Secretary-General of the National Research and Technology Council of Thailand and the scientists of the Royal Rainmaking Research and Development Institute, as guest of the Minister of Agriculture, Bangkok, November 1-8, 1986.

Visit NCAR and NOAA laboratories in Boulder, CO, July 7-11, l987, the U. of Utah Labs in Salt Lake City, August 8, 1987. Discussions on future US laboratory facilities in Cloud Physics.

Meeting of the International Cloud Physics Commission and the Scientific Program Committee for the International Cloud Physics Conference in Bad Homburg, FRG, 15-20 August, 1988.

Meeting of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics and IUGG, Vancouver, B.C., August 17-20, l987.

Discussion of Joint Experiment U. of T. - ETH, with Prof. Waldvogel (light precipitation and fog on slope of Rigi mountain, with chemistry), Zurich, Switzerland, Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 1987.

Visit Atmospheric Research Institute of Italian National Research Council (invited), Prof. F. Prodi and Prof. Wang, PRC, Bologna, Italy, October 7, 1987.

Chairman, Sessions on "Hail problem: present status of research and prevention" and: "Evapotranspiration and Irrigation". 2nd International Conference on Agrometeorology, Cesena, Italy, October 8-9, 1987.

Demonstration of U. of T. equipment (2-d Grey Scale Laser Spectrometer and Joss Disdrometer, for October-December 1987. Joint experiment on Fog and Light Rain ETH - U. of T., (Prof. Waldvogel), Zurich, Switzerland, October 23, 1987.

Discussion of NZ offer by New Zealand Meteorological Service to participate in Joint Malaysian Experiment (Malaysian Meteorological Service - U. of T.) (Dr. Larsen and Mr. Hickmann, Director-General), Wellington, NZ., December 15-18, 1987.

The UN System and how it works, Rotary Club, Moab, UT, May 3, 1988.

Changing Atmosphere - Changing Life, Rotary Club, Don Mills, July 13, 1988.

The Goal of Cloud Physics, Rotary Club, Bad Homburg, FRG, August 15, 1988.

Interview on Hurricane Gilbert on CBC Morning Show with Peter Gzowsky (2x), 1988.

Member, Toronto General and Western Hospital Foundation, 1987-

5th WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification and Applied Cloud Physics, BEIJING, Chair, Session on Evaluation Procedures in Weather Modification, May 5-8.

Royal Rainmaking Research and Development Institute, Bangkhen, BANGKOK, Thailand, Visit with Dr. Metha and Dr. Silverman (head of US AID program in Thailand). Discussion of possible joint research, May 16.

Meteorological Service, PETALING JAYA, Malaysia. Discussion of continuation of Tropical Rain Project, Phase II in fall of 1990, May 17-18.

Meteorological Service, PENANG Office: Determination of radar site and other instrumentation for 1990 Experiment, May 22-23.

Discussion of funding for Tropical Rain Project, Phase II 1990 with the Canadian International Development Research Council, Asian Office, SINGAPORE, May 24.

Royal Meteorological Observatory, Kowloon, HONG KONG, Discussion of possible collaboration on rain measurements and loan of U. of T. equipment with director.

Workshop on Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment GEWEX, (by ICSU and WMO), National Hydrological Research Center, SASKATOON, 26-28 October.

Visit of radar site in ELLBOW, SA and discussion of radar operation with the engineer. Visit of the federal agricultural research station in OUTLOOK, SA. Assessment of site for Canadian rain experiment in the prairies.

"From the Ozone hole to the world's energy usage" Rotary Club, Don Mills.

Member, Toronto General and Western Hospital Foundation, 1989-

Member, President's Committee, U. of T., 1989-

Visit ETH (Profs. Waldvogel, Davies), discussions of Doppler radar, disdrometer and tropical rain with Dr. Joss, Mr. Donath Hoegl and Mathias Steiner, Zurich, 29.1.-6.2.

WMO, discussions with Drs. Morell, Czelnai, Rasmussen, etc. (Climate change, tropical rain), GENEVA, 30-31.1.

Attendance at 100 birthday celebrations of Prof. Paul Scherrer, ZURICH, 3.2.

Visit Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, DAVOS. Discussions with Prof. Jaccard, Drs. Good, Salm, Buser, etc., 5.2.

Chairman, Session, "Mesoscale Dynamics and Climate", at the 24th Annual Congress of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Royal Military College, Victoria, B.C., 28.5.-1.6, 1990.

Acceptance testing of new Doppler Radar, ENTERPRISE, AL., 17.3.-21.3.

Invited guest at 40th anniversary celebrations of the existence of the World Meteorological Organization as UN agency (in recognition of the services as Deputy Secretary-General of WMO, 1982-1984), GENEVA, 22.3.-24.3.

Participation at the first meeting of the Italian Scientific Committee for Weather Modification, invited as international specialist, ROME, 31.3.-3.4.

Member, Fellowship Review Committee, Royal Society of Canada, 1990-93.

Field Experiment on Tropical Precipitation, Phase II, jointly with the Malaysian Meteorological Service, in Penang, Malaysia, for the Study of Tropical Rain. (Approved by Malaysian Cabinet Committee on Economic Development). Doppler radar and laser spectrometers from U. of T., cloud physics aircraft, standard radar, satellite receiving from MMS. Toronto group Dr. Hudak, G. McFarquhar and R. Nissen, graduate students, and R. List.

Member, Fellowship Review Committee, Royal Society of Canada, 90-93.

Member, Patterson Medal Committee, Atmospheric Environment Service of Canada (the Patterson Medal is the highest honour in Meteorology in Canada), 22.11.1991.

Chairman of meeting between the Italian Department of Agriculture and TECNAGRO, a big Italian private non-profit company, Rome, March 31.

Chairman, Session on Integrated Rainfall, XVI General Assembly, European Geophysical Society, Wiesbaden, 23-27 April.

Meeting Canadian Climate Change Program, Toronto, October 10.

AES-University Meeting, Downsview, December 12.

Reviewer NASA for BOREAS applications.

Chairman, Round Table Discussion on Weather Modification, Annual Congress Amer. Meteorological Society., January 1992 , Atlanta

Participation with 6 group members in Canadian Atlantic Storms Experiment, January - April, 1992, with U. of T. Doppler radar and rain spectrometers. St. Johns, Newfoundland

Chair, Planning Meeting of field experiment sites in Sardinia; Rome, July 13-14.

Chair, Meeting for preparation of 5-year plan "Proggetto Pioggia" for Italian Government: Rome, September 12-13.

Member, Organizing Committee, International Cloud Physics Conference, McGill University, 17-21 August, Montreal.

Chairman, Session "Microphysics: Laboratory Studies", International Cloud Physics Conference, 17-21 August, 1992, McGill University, Montreal.

Chairman, Session on Integrated Rainfall, XVI General Assembly, European Geophysical Society, 23-27 April, Wiesbaden.

Member, Advisory group on future of Alberta Research Council Radar Facility, November 4.

Chair, Meeting for preparation of 5-year plan for Italian Government: 12/13 September 92, Enterprise, Alabama.

October: Group Participation with UofT Doppler radar in BASE/GEWEX experiment in the high arctic (Inuvik), as part of the Canadian contribution.

3-6 and 10-13 July: Attendance IUGG Congress, Boulder, Colorado:
Elected Secretary-General, International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, 1995-2003;
Appointed representative of IUGG with the World Meteorological Organization, WMO, its quadrennial Congress, its Executive Council and the Secretary-General of WMO, 1995-2003;

16-21 July: Chair, Italian Scientific Committee of the Italian rain enhancement projects in southern Italy (Sardinia, Sicily, and Puglia), Rome;

3 August, Visit Dean Imboden, ETH Zurich

23-29 September: Chair, International Evaluation Committee for Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH, Zurich (Report pp. 45);

5 October: Visit IAMAS President Dean R. Duce, Toronto

6-13 October: 27th AMS Conference on Radar Meteorology, Vail, CO, (presentation of paper)

5-10 November: Chair, WMO Committee of Experts on Hail Suppression, Golden Gate National Park, South Africa, (with report, pp.44);

President, Rotary Club Toronto/Don Mills, 1995/96.

28 Jan. - 2 Feb.: Annual Congress , American Meteorological Society. AMS, Atlanta

11 - 30 April: Meeting with UCAR re Alliance for Capacity Transfer [WMO-IUGG], Boulder, CO,

10-13 May: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH,; Meetings with President J. Nüesch, Dean Imboden, Dean A. Waldvogel, Prof. H. Davies (VP IAMAS), Prof. Chr. Schaer (MAP).Zurich

14-16 May: World Meteorological Organization, WMO, Geneva; meetings with Secretary- General, Prof, GOP Obasi, SG, Drs Grassl (Dir. WPRC),Necco (Dir. Education Dept.),Young (Weather modification), R. Bojkov (IAMAS, IUGG, Funding)

16-18 May: University of Innsbruck, Prof. Mike Kuhn , predecessor as Secretary General of IAMAS, final indoctrination and transfer of last functions.

18-21 May: Chairing of meeting at TECNAGRO, finalizing Proggetto Pioggia, Rome

23 May: Invited Lecture at International Symposium on Weather Modification, University of Rome,

5 June: ROTARY, 40th Anniversary of Don Mills Club (as President)

10-20 June: Participation at WMO Executive Council Meeting, representing the International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics, IUGG, Geneva

20-22 June: IUGG Executive Committee Meeting, Copenhagen (Proposal of ACT)

19-23 August: International Conference of Cloud Physics, ICCP, ETH, Zurich (presentation of two papers)

11-15 Nov.: Invited paper at International Symposium on Weather Modification in the Mediterranean, University of Bari (Italy), Proposal of guidelines and framework for the Mediterranean Rain Enhancement Project, MEDREP

20-22 Nov.: Invited main paper at the Symposium on the 50th Anniversary of the Swiss Federal Snow and Avalanche Research, SLF, Davos, Switzerland (also as former division head)

23 Nov.: Opening Ceremony for the new SLF center in Davos

1-7 February: 77th Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society, AMS, Longbeach CA

11. February: Seminar speaker: "45 Years of Hail Research", Atmospheric Environment Service, Toronto

26 February: University Corporation for Atmospheric research, UCAR, Boulder CO, Discussion of ALLIANCE for CAPACITY TRANSFER, ACT (WMO-IUGG-UCAR), and meeting with President IAMAS, Dean Duce

7-21 March: Raymond and Beverly Sackler Special Lecture Series. TELAVIV UNIV Tel Aviv

10-17 June: Participation at WMO Executive Council Meeting, representing the International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics, IUGG, Geneva (Presentation of Proposal for an ALLIANCE FOR CAPACITY TRANSFER, ACT, to EC [accepted]

1-9 July: Joint IAMAS/IAPSO Meeting in Melbourne (main program and overseeing function (~1100 participants), IAPSO: International Associations for the Physics of the Oceans, IAMAS: International Association for Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (Major overall organizer).

8/9 August, UCAR meeting re:ACT, Boulder CO

15/16 September: Meeting Secretary Generals of Associations within IUGG, Birmingham, UK

18-20 September, IUGG Executive Committee meeting, Birmingham UK

7-8 October: UCAR Members Meeting, Boulder CO

18- 21October: Discussions ETH (MAP) Zurich, and WM0 (ACT), Geneva

28 December: Discussions with Eric Newell, CEO Syncrude, and 10-15 managers of Syncrude, Ft. McMurray, AL (Climate change, Kyoto)

11-16 Jan.: 78th AMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix,

1 April - 31 July: Visiting Professor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH, Zurich


8-13 January, 2000, Annual Assembly American Meteorological Society, AMS, Longbeach, CA
Chair, AMS meeting Committee on Planned and Inadvertant Weather Modification,
Attendence Meeting of AMS Scientific and Technical Affairs Committee, STAC.

22 Feb.-1 March, 2000, ZH-Geneva-Davos: Meetings with IAMAS President Prof. H. Davies; Dr. P.Egolf, EMPA, Zurich, with visit of the Ice-Slurry laboratories at the Trechnical University of Lucerne, Discussions with Prof. M. de Quervain, Davos on ice.

17-25 March, Invitee (as former Deputy Secretary-General of WMO) to the 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the World Meteorological Organization, Geneva.

14 April, 2000, Meeting of the Patterson Medal Committee of the Atmospheric Environment Service. [the Patterson Medal is the highest honour in meteorology in Canada] Toronto.

16-24 May, 2000, Participation at the Executive Council meeting of the World Meteorological Organization, representing the International Union of Geophysics and Geodesy, IUGG, and the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, IAMAS,.Geneva

25-26 May, 2000, International Institute for Refrigeration, Ice Slurry Workshop, presentation of paper: “Ice Nucleation of Supercooled Water”.  Paris  

8 August 2000, Meeting IAMAS Bureau, Boulder CO

8-9 August, 2000, Meeting Executive Committee, IUGG, Boulder CO

10-11 August, 2000, WMO Cloud Modeling Workshop, Glenwood Springs, CO, presentation of paper “Microphysical Parameterization of Charge Separation in Thunderstorms”, co-author Peter Berdeklis.

14-18 August, 2000, 13th International Conference on Clouds and Preci[pitation, Reno Nevada, presentation of paper (co-author Peter Berdeklis): The velocity dependence of charge transfer in Grauel-Ice Crystal Collisions. Proceedings, p. 1021-1923.

Attending Meeting of the International Commission on Cloud Physics.

14-23 September, 2000, Meetings with IAMAS President, Prof. H. Davies and Dr. Bettina Bauer, the new Web Master working with me to upgrade and upkeep the IAMAS webpage, Zurich.

10-11 October 2000, Members Meeting, University Corporation of Atmospheric Research, Boulder CO, as University of Toronto representative.

9-10 November 2000, Meeting ad hoc advisory committee on weather modification,. US NRC and Academy, Washington, advising on the state of the art and science of the field [for long term program development of the field, personal estimate US $200 million/annum, once established.

27-28 December 2000, Meetings with ETHZ Vice-President, Prof, A. Waldvogel,  Prof. H. Davies and Dr. B. Bauer, Zurich;

29 Nov.-1 Dec. 2000, Discussion of joint program in Ice Slurry research and facilities at the Technical University of Yverdon-les-Bains, NE, Switzerland (Prof. O. Sari)

4-5 December 2000, Discussions of program and procedures with Prof. M. Kuhn, the local organizer of the IAMAS2001 assembly in Innsbruck, 10-18 July 2001.

10 March 2001
R. List

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