No Colours ?? Try this before your IDL commands device,decomposed=0 You may find that the IDL graphics window does not refresh if it is obscured by another or has to be redrawn for some other reason. You can correct this by setting. window,(index # if not 0),retain=2 Mapping an image to the Globe with IDL image=bytscl(data) map_set,<<..settings..>> img=map_image(image,startx,starty(,lonmin=..,lonmax=..),/bilin) tv,img,startx,starty (to overlay a contour plot) contour,data,<<..settings..>>,/overplot (overlay grid) map_grid(,color=0) (and continents) map_continents(,color=0) Producing Postscript Output with IDL set_plot,'ps' device,xsize=#,ysize=#,/inches,bits_per_pixel=8,/color <> device,/close spawn,'mv' (to return to standard plotting mode) set_plot,'x' Reading a File into IDL (define a string variable)var='' (prompt for input)read,var,promp='Enter Filename: ' (open logical unit to read in data)openr,1,var