The FLOW Program Control Analyzer FLOW uses an input file from the FLOPPY (FORTRAN Language Oriented Parser evolution) to generate information about the flow of control in a program. One of the most useful features is the generation of control flow diagrams which can be used to analyze the flow of control in a program. To use FLOW, FLOPPY must be run on the code first: >floppy -t -cn file.f Generates a file.f.floptre file that is used by FLOW. file.f is any file that contains FORTRAN code, flow can indicate all internal and external calls. (See FLOPPY documentaion for more about FLOPPY). To invoke FLOW in interactive (QUERY) mode: >flow -q file.f.floptre FLOW options: -q Interactive QUERY mode -s Text based STRUCTURE CHART (written to protre.dat) -g GRAPHICAL CHART (written to -n (nodename) Specifies (an alternate) top NODE in the chart -E Excludes EXTERNAL nodes from chart -c Creates a COMMON block chart -i (ignore) Specifies module names to IGNORE with -s