Program for 11th Annual MAM/GCC Workshop
Monday December 15 - Tuesday December 16, 2003
University of Toronto Faculty Club, 2nd Floor
41 Willcocks Street
Toronto, ON

Monday, December 15
09:00-10:00 Ken Carslaw,
University of Leeds, UK
PSCs, denitrification and ozone loss: do we have the problem solved?
10:00-10:18 Xihong Wang,
York University
Development of a microphysical and chemical model for polar stratospheric clouds.
10:18-10:36 Ulrike Lohmann,
Dalhousie University
First interactive simulations of cirrus clouds formed by heterogeneous freezing in a climate model.
10:36-10:54 Betty Carlin,
Dalhousie University
GCM carbon aerosol modelling.
10:54-11:24 Coffee break.
11:24-11:42 Keith Broekhuisen,
University of Toronto
CCN activity of organic aerosols: the effect of oxidative processing.
11:42-12:00 Andrew Ryzhkov,
McGill University
Impact of the alkenes ozonolysis on sulfur oxidation in sulfate aerosols.
12:00-12:18 Cathy Reader,
University of Victoria
Mineral dust in the CCCma GCM.
12:18-12:36 Gerd Folberth,
University of Victoria
NMVOC gas-phase chemistry in the CMAM.
12:36-12:54 David Plummer,
CCCma, MSC Downsview
Tropospheric methane chemistry in the CMAM.
12:54-13:54 Lunch (Faculty Club Upper Dining Room).
13:54-14:12 Bill Merryfield,
CCCma, MSC Victoria
Properties of a hybrid variable transformation for tracer advection.
14:12-15:12 Dominique Fonteyn,
Belgian Institute of Space Aeronomy
Chemical data assimilation - what is it? what can we learn from it?
15:12-15:30 Marion Marchand,
York University
Test of the night-time polar stratospheric NO2 decay and validation of the self-consistency of GOMOS NO3 and NOx data using chemical data assimilation.
15:30-16:00 Coffee break.
16:00-16:18 Shuzhan Ren,
University of Toronto
10 day verifications of CMAM-DA results.
16:18-16:36 David Sankey,
University of Toronto
The influence of assimilating dynamical variables on ozone in the CMAM.
16:36-16:54 Yan Yang,
University of Toronto
Upgrade of 3dvar and preliminary results of assimilating GOME ozone observations.
16:54-17:12 Mateusz Reszka,
University of Toronto
Dynamical balances in the tropical middle atmosphere.
17:12-17:30 Lisa Neef,
University of Toronto
Balance in the Kalman Filter - some results with a simple model.
18:00 Complimentary cocktails and dinner (Faculty Club Pub).
Tuesday, December 16
09:00-10:00 Andrew Gettelman,
NCAR, Boulder, CO
The tropical tropopause layer: nexus of the atmosphere.
10:00-10:18 Ian Folkins,
Dalhousie University
The tropical water vapour budget.
10:18-10:36 Yoshihiro Tomikawa,
University of Toronto
Baroclinic interaction between medium-scale tropopausal waves and short-period disturbances around the polar vortex edge.
10:36-11:06 Coffee break.
11:06-11:24 Tiffany Shaw,
University of British Columbia
Assessing the importance of momentum conservation in the parameterization of gravity wave drag in atmospheric models.
11:24-11:42 Charles McLandress,
University of Toronto
A self-consistent intercomparison of gravity wave drag parameterizations.
11:42-12:00 Victor Fomichev,
York University
Solar heating by the near-IR CO2 bands in the mesosphere.
12:00-12:18 Jason Russell,
University of New Brunswick
WINDII oxygen climatology
12:18-12:36 Jian Du,
University of New Brunswick
Annual cycle of CMAM non-migrating tides and planetary waves.
12:36-13:36 Lunch (Faculty Club Upper Dining Room).
13:36-13:54 William Ward,
University of New Brunswick
Strategies for unfolding the dynamical signatures in oxygen data near the mesopause.
13:54-14:54 Yvan Orsolini,
Norwegian Institute for Air Research
Ozone transport in the stratosphere.
14:54-15:12 Stella Melo,
University of Toronto
Comparison of stratospheric species measured during the MANTRA balloon campaigns with CMAM.
15:12-15:42 Coffee break.
15:42-16:00 Kirill Semeniuk,
York University
Testing trajectory-based validation methods in CMAM.
16:00-16:18 Mike Pritchard,
University of Toronto
Pre-turnaround stratospheric wave diagnosis.
16:18-16:36 Andreas Jonsson,
York University
What photochemical mechanisms drive the ozone increase in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere in a 2xCO2 model experiment?
16:36-16:54 Jean de Grandpré
McGill University
Temperature analysis and ozone feedback.
16:54-17:12 Stephen Beagley,
York University
Dynamical variability and Antarctic ozone loss.