Program for 8th Annual MAM Workshop
Monday December 11 - Tuesday December 12, 2000
University of Toronto Faculty Club, 2nd Floor
41 Willcocks Street
Toronto, ON

Monday, December 11
09:00-10:00 A.R. Ravishankara,
NOAA Aeronomy Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado
Atmospheric lifetime: concept, quantification and utility.
10:00-10:20 Jack McConnell,
York University
Some aspects of chemistry in the CMAM.
10:20-10:40 David Plummer,
York University
Progress towards tropospheric chemistry in the CMAM.
10:40-11:10 Coffee break.
11:10-11:30 Parisa Ariya,
McGill University
Formation of condensed matter upon reaction of active halogen with mercury.
11:30-11:50 Jon Abbatt,
University of Toronto
Oxidation of SO2 on ice cloud surfaces.
11:50-12:10 Ulrike Lohmann,
Dalhousie University
Possible effects on clouds by aerosol-induced changes in ice nucleation.
12:10-12:30 Jiangnan Li,
CCCma, MSC Victoria, BC
Using the correlated-k method for simulation of radiation in the middle atmosphere.
12:30-13:30 Lunch (Faculty Club Upper Dining Room).
13:30-14:30 Tim Dunkerton,
NorthWest Research Associates, Bellevue, Washington
The quasi-biennial oscillation: a tutorial review of observations, theory, and modelling.
14:30-14:50 Norm McFarlane,
CCCma, MSC Victoria, BC
Resolved tropical oscillations in the CMAM - sensitivity to the convection parameterization.
14:50-15:20 Coffee break.
15:20-15:40 John Scinocca,
CCCma, MSC Victoria, BC
A new scheme to test non-orographic GWD parameterizations.
15:40-16:00 Ian Folkins,
Dalhousie University
Mass flux scaling in the tropical upper troposphere.
16:00-16:20 John Fyfe,
CCCma, MSC Victoria, BC
Southern Hemisphere circulation changes under global warming.
17:00 Complimentary cocktails and dinner (Faculty Club Pub).
Tuesday, December 12
09:00-10:00 Bill Randel,
Atmospheric Chemistry Division, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado
The seasonal cycle of water vapour and transport in the lower stratosphere.
10:00-10:20 Jean de Grandpré,
York University
Vertical resolution and its impact on the transport of species.
10:20-10:40 John Koshyk,
University of Toronto
Effects of semi-Lagrangian vs. Eulerian advection on kinetic energy spectra in the NCAR MACCM.
10:40-11:10 Coffee break.
11:10-11:30 Jennifer Lukovich,
University of Toronto
Large-scale mixing in the middle atmosphere.
11:30-11:50 David Sankey,
University of Toronto
The age of air in the Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model.
11:50-12:10 Diane Pendlebury,
University of Toronto
3D particle advection in the winter stratosphere.
12:10-12:30 Stephen Beagley,
York University
Dynamical consequences of chemistry in a GCM.
12:30-13:30 Lunch (Faculty Club Upper Dining Room).
13:30-13:50 Saroja Polavarapu,
ARMA, MSC Downsview, ON
The current status of the CMAM data assimilation system.
13:50-14:10 Yves Rochon,
ARQX, MSC Downsview, ON
Preliminary model statistics based on CMAM climatology.
14:10-14:30 Richard Ménard,
ARQI, MSC Dorval, QC
Chemical data assimilation: perspectives and progress.
14:30-15:00 Coffee break.
15:00-15:20 Victor Fomichev,
York University
An overview of the extended CMAM and comparison with observations.
15:20-15:40 William Ward,
CRESTech, Toronto, ON
Dynamical signatures in the extended CMAM and satellite observations.
15:40-16:00 Valery Yudin,
Atmospheric Chemistry Division, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado
The thermal tides and their effects on the oxygen emissions in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere region.
16:00-16:20 Charles McLandress,
University of Toronto
On the semi-annual variation of the propagating diurnal tide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere.